Here’s a sneak peak of the new Bridezillas season. Season 6. I can’t believe it’s already been 6 seasons but, when you think about it, there’s a million weddings out there that could be on this show so they probably never run out of material. I recently saw some of Season 1 and I must say that the current narrator and editing of the show is much better than it use to be. Though, sadly, all the brides seem to be from the lower part of the social strata which is kinda annoying. I would rather see more upper middle class brides on the show because they bug me the most. But, alas, whatcha gonna do?
Category: Wedding
Getting Married
I Love Bad Wedding Cakes
The last couple of days, Cake Wrecks showed off some bad wedding cakes. I love these posts because they put wedding cakes into perspective for me. Plenty of people go to a baker, show them a picture of the cake they want, and get something completely completely wrong. It just shows you how some bakeries are just really bad about cakes and that if you want something that is artistic, you need to take the time to find a good baker. Ask around, get recommendations from your friends, and don’t just trust someone with one fancy cake in the window and a book that claims they’ll be able to do good work. Do your research or you’ll end up with a horrid mess on your wedding day.
But then there are those people who really want a messed up looking cake on their wedding day. I love those posts too. So enjoy these two lovely entries in all their glory. Mmmm. Cake.

“Used” Wedding dress shops are a steal

With the economy the way it is, the Wall Street Journal decided to take a look at websites that sell used wedding dresses. Business is booming. $450 for a wedding dress that was originally $1250? I’d do that. Heck, I’d WEAR that which is probably why I wasn’t involved in my fiancee’s wedding dress shopping. A wedding dress that costs less than my (possible) wedding day suit is a pretty exciting thing.
Why are so many used wedding dresses coming up on the market? Because there is still the tradition that a person’s daughter might want to wear their mother’s wedding dress. But have you ever met one person who has done that? I know plenty of people who have used their mother’s or grandmother’s diamond ring as their engagement ring but none that wore their mother’s dress. Styles change and, to be honest, I loath the resurgence of big puffy sleeves that are going to show up soon when all the kids born in the 80s finally come to age. Do you know anyone who is going to wear that style of dress nowadays? I thought so.
Of course, selling a used wedding dress has its risk. It’ll take a long time to sell and if the dress has been heavily altered, there’s a good chance that a person interested in your dress won’t be able to fit in it. You might both be a size four but if you’re packing a full set of luggage in your trunk, it’ll be hard to find someone with your matching features. But with a price at only 30% of market value, the deals are pretty fantastic.
Saving a family on your wedding day
A bride was being driven to her wedding reception when she noticed that a house was on fire. She stopped and ran into the building warning the family who was living there that they needed to get out. It took some time to coax the family out but the bride and her wedding party did it. The family didn’t really notice that their house was on fire and might have suffered injuries had the bride not try to get them out.
At any rate, 16-year-old Lowell Eitelberg, who was playing video games in the house during the time of the fire, told the NY Post: “Whenever you think of something like this happening, you don’t imagine the person who’s going to save you in a situation like this to be dressed in the nicest clothes they’ll ever wear in their life. If someone was caring enough to ruin the best day of their life to save me, it’s the most incredible thing.” And his mother told Clemons, “Mazel tov!” adding, “I told her to go back to her festivities, but she stayed and helped.”
A surprise wedding event I like

Improv Everywhere staged an event in New York City recently where they pretended to be part of the Mayor’s office and gave a couple a surprise wedding reception outside the marriage bureau in New York City. They had bridesmaids, groomsmen, cake, presents, a bouquet toss, a garter toss, line dancing, and they confused a bunch of tourists who were watching. The best man and maid of honor even did some toasts. And the bike taxi at the end was a great touch. Pretty awesome.

Writing the name of the couple on the cake.
I’m going to let this speak for itself.
3 Years
Quick Hits for May 22, 2009
My fiancee let me know that one of her sisters was upset that I haven’t updated my blog all week. I’m sorry. I’ve been busy working on my wedding website and that’s been eating up all my free time. I’ll post about that soon. But here are a few things that have been sitting in my RSS reader that I’d like to get off my chest.
New York City Shots
My fiancee has this idea of taking our wedding pictures on the subway, in Times Square, and other such places in Manhattan. The trick is going to be able to do this within the time constraints in our photographer’s contract. We only have something like 6 or 7 hours with the guy starting at noon. Can we get through a ceremony and a reception and still have time to head to the subway station? I dunno. I hope so. Being on top of the TKTS booth in a tux would be awesome.
A Diamond is Expensive
An online jeweler is spoofing the De Beers commercials and there’s a contest going on where us grooms can score our brides some bling if we’re funny.
Ring Care
Speaking of engagement rings, here’s some tips on how to take care of them. My fiancee use to keep hers overnight in Windex. Now she scrubs it with boiling water. It seems to work.
Bad Reality TV show
Did you hear about the new show where a bride surprises her groom with a surprise wedding and they’re not even engaged? How about a show where you’re nominated by your friends to get married immediately? This is very tacky but I’ll probably tivo it because, well, that’s how I am. It’s sad. I should work on it.
Will I rant about churches?
I’ve read on several wedding blogs recently about people complaining about a) that their church ceremony is too long or b) about their attempt to find a church to get married in and carrying only about the building and not carrying about the denomination the church belongs with. I won’t link to them but they annoy me. 45 minutes to get your wedding blessed is not a long time. My church service averages something around an 1 hour and 15 minutes and that’s only with a 10 minute sermon. If you’re complaining about the length of your wedding ceremony, that just shows to me that you are unfamiliar with the concept of church services because you probably don’t go to one. I understand the reason why non-church goers would want a church wedding (and the reasons are varied) but don’t complain about the length of the ceremony after you’ve agreed to get married in that church and in that denomination’s tradition. Otherwise, I’m just going to assume you care more about how your wedding looks and less about the substance of your wedding which annoys me to no end.
We ordered Postcards
but they’re not save the dates. I promise!

The front of the card
My fiancee had a lovely idea on how to get copies of pictures our friends take at our wedding. Everyone and their mother has a digital camera and everyone and their mother will bring one to our wedding. Even I carry a giant monstrosity of a camera where ever I go. My finacee saw an idea on the wedding plans Live Journal to give out post cards to members as a way to get people to upload their pictures to one central location. Does this mean they’ll do it? No. But it beats trying to email bug everyone we know. I’m fairly addicted to flickr so we decided to use that service and we put the instructions on the back.

Easy no?
We ordered the set from Vista Print and ended up paying $27 with shipping for 250 post cards. That’ll be enough to put one in every program and have a few left over if people want extras. I’m not sure if it will be used a lot but we’ll find out.