This week, I am a guest blogger

This week, I will be a guest blogger at Rebecca Likes. My friend Rebecca is on vacation and asked K and I to write some posts for her. Rebecca likes is a blog about clothing, furniture, design, and stores that Rebecca likes. She has great taste and a rabbit named Senator. What’s not to like? So start reading because I’m writing for it and then keep reading it because of Rebecca. You’ll be glad you did.


You know, I have put a lot of thought into this and I’ve come to the conclusion, even though I never have tried it, I don’t think I can pull off suits + dress shoes + no socks. And I’m a little disappointed by that.


A recent conversation with my brother went as follows. After complaining to him that I might have to role play in my Introduction to Pastoral Care class (sexual harassment, listening, pre-marital counseling, listening, and other such things) my brother immediately interrupted and said: “Pfft. You are a great actor.”

There was then a short pause.

“Your entire life is a lie.”

Little Egypt, January 28

For the last few hours, I have been watching the English language live feed of Al Jazeera. Several speakers from NYC have been highlighted. At around 5:45 PM, a woman said that there had been rallies in NYC on behalf of the protestors – several around the UN and one “in Little Egypt in Queens”.

It is strange to hear where I live name dropped on Al Jazeera.

So, I strapped on my boots, put on my brand new bright red jacket, grabbed my camera, and walked out into the snow and cold. Some snow flakes were falling, I crossed the BQE, to see is anything was going on. Besides the usual rush hour traffic, it was quiet. Channel 4 News and Channel 2 News both had vans parked and were walking about, looking for a story. Each hookah lounge, halal deli, butcher, Islam Fashion, and any other store had their tvs on Al Jazeera or CNN. I heard rumbles from the few folks on the street about more rallies that will take place in Manhattan in tomorrow. The shops in Little Egypt are usually filled with men and boys drinking coffee, smoking, and chatting and tonight was no different. If there had been a rally today, I’m sorry I missed it.


Channel 4 News


Rally posters from a few days ago

Rally poster for the 29th in front of the UN