Taken on September 28, 2013 at the Dumbo Arts Festival in Brooklyn.
Category: Photography
Oliver at the end of his daycare day
Taken September 23, 2013. Location is the General Theological Seminary in New York City.
Mother and Child
With my family in town, we visited the Cloisters today. Tomorrow, Oliver will be baptized. I should stop playing with my pictures and finish the sermon I will be preaching.
365.365 M+K=O
Le Chéile in Washington Heights, New York City. August 24, 2012
365 Part Deux
DONE. And I only had to extend the project an extra 2 weeks to “get” 365 in 365. I could have done worse.
365.364 In front of the chapel
General Theological Seminary, New York City. August 22, 2012
365 Part Deux
365.362 Parents in Times Square
Times Square, New York City. August 21, 2012
365 Part Deux
365.363 Yeah, that’s right.
365.361 Three Tall Ladies
Little Red Lighthouse, Washington Heights, New York City. August 19, 2012
365 Part Deux
365.360 Champagne…in a can?
My Apartment, Washington Heights, New York City. August 18, 2012
365 Part Deux