Category: Photography
365.255 That’s exactly where that cup goes.
Washington Heights, New York City. May 2, 2012
365 Part Deux
365.254 Chula hangs out
My Apartment, Washington Heights, New York City. May 1, 2012
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365.253 Steps in front of GTS Library
General Theological Seminary, New York City. April 30, 2012
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365.252 General Theological Seminary
General Theological Seminary, New York City. April 29, 2012
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365.251 Dan the Russian says Goodbye
Dan’s goodbye party, Astoria,
New York City. April 28, 2012
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365.250 Reclining cuz they’re worth it.
Baby Shower by the Advent Crew, Morningside Heights, New York City. April 27, 2012
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365.249 Riding through the borderlands of Harlem
In the backseat of a car in Harlem, New York City. April 26, 2012
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365.248 Dog Walk
Washington Heights, New York City. April 25, 2012
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