1 At that very time there were some present who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.2 [Jesus] asked them, “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners than all other Galileans?3 No, I tell you, but unless you repent you will all perish as they did. 4 Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam fell on them—do you think that they were worse offenders than all the other people living in Jerusalem? 5 No, I tell you, but unless you repent you will all perish just as they did.”
Luke 13:1-9
6 Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. 7 So he said to the man working the vineyard, ‘See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?’ 8 He replied, ‘Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, well and good, but if not, you can cut it down.’ ”
My sermon from the Third Sunday in Lent (March 23, 2025) on Luke 13:1-9.
One of the ways our faith is manifested in the world is through ordinary things – which is sort of amazing and strange all at the same time. We expect the divine to be a bit over-the-top, the kind of miracles that defy the laws of physics while bringing us an other-worldly sense of calm and peace. When we enter a holy place and feel that warm spiritual hug around our shoulders, we remember we are already part of something so much bigger than ourselves. I think it’s pretty reasonable to expect the Creator of Everything to show up every once in a while to break through the sameness of our every day while also pushing us through our anxiety and fear. But when we actually get down to doing the god-stuff in worship, in bible study, or whenever we gather as part of the Christ, what we use is the ordinary stuff of words and voices, pauses and silences, and a little bread and drink to embody who our God is. The Jesus we meet in the gospels often does the kind of big stuff we want for our lives – especially when things feel really hard. Yet our God has a habit of showing up in very ordinary things, even as every day as a tree, to point to what life with our God can be.
Now finding fig trees in our area isn’t an everyday thing. But when Jesus journeyed through Israel, Galilee, Syria, and beyond nearly 2000 years ago, the fig tree was a very ordinary thing. These trees were outside people’s doors, hanging out in cities, and cultivated in large orchards. A fig tree could provide shade from the noon day sun to a weary traveler and its fruit was nourishing to those who were hungry and thirsty. Fig trees and their fruit were literally everywhere and, over time, began to show up as a symbolic image throughout our Bible. In commentary about today’s reading from the gospel according to Luke, Professor Peter Hawkins showed me just how often fig trees appear in our sacred scripture. “In the opening of Genesis the fig [tree] grows in Eden’s lush garden along with ‘every tree that is good to the sight and good for food.’” The fig tree is meant to be climbed, sat under, and its fruit eaten while the tree of knowledge of good and evil which was right next door, was to be avoided. When Adam and Eve ate what they shouldn’t and experienced shame for the very first time, they used the leaves from the tree that cared for them to cover their bodies. The abundance of the fig tree represented what the kingdom of God is meant to be about. And we should imagine the great feasts described in the prophets as a sign of God’s grace as one covered in grapes, wine, pomegranates, and figs. This vivid description of what love can be extended even in the passionate intimacy described in the Song of Songs which used the fruit from the fig tree as the “harbinger [for new life] and … unabashed love.” The flourishing of the fig tree represents, I think, God’s imagination for what life should be. And since God imagines it, we should consider that the baseline for what is ordinary in all of creation. But we also know how often we let things other than grace, mercy, and care flourish instead. So when the community assumed that their strength, might, and what they assumed they were entitled to would keep them safe, the prophet Joel used the image of a fig tree stripped of its bark as a sign of how life-less that way of being truly is. The ordinary stuff of life is simply what a fig tree does. And while we often want that kind of flourishing only for ourselves or those like us, the prophet Micah imagined a more holy future where “all sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees, and no one shall make them afraid.” When we realize the myriad of ways a fig tree connects to its environment and how accessible its fruit is meant to be – we get a glimpse of how God’s ordinary is what makes our world, and our lives, thrive.
This, though, can make the story Jesus told a bit difficult to follow if we choose to identify the landowner as the only stand-in for God. We expect the one who owns the land and the trees should have a vision, a will, a plan for what those trees should do. A fig tree that fails to bear fruit is a tree refusing to be what it’s meant to be. And a tree that isn’t efficient or productive or good or whatever terminology we use to define its value and worth – is a tree we can justify being tossed aside. This way of thinking, though, is pretty dangerous especially if we then make the claim that those who didn’t understand God in the first place have already had their year – their chance – to get it right. The fruit they were meant to grow should reflect the curated kind of life that includes what we believe flourishing looks like. And while we might say that flourishing with faith includes a little bit of kindness, some patience, and an appropriate care that covers ourselves, our family, and then our neighbors in that exact order – the fruit we often elevate is, instead, selfishness and fear, anger and grievance, and a demand for others to show us the kind of grace we will never share with them. We assume we know what a fig tree looks like and what a fig tree looks is what thriving is all about. But a fig tree is more than what it looks; a fig tree is, in God’s eyes, primarily defined by what it does. And so rather than seeing God as only a landowner casting a vision of what we are supposed to be; it’s possible we’re the landowner who needs a gardener to show us what life can be. The God who made the fig tree, the earth, the air, and the water it relies on is the same God who chooses to be the gardener too. And the kind of care Jesus described is the same kind of care Jesus invites us to share too. Now we might not be able to grow leaves and provide shade from the sun at high noon but we can invite a stranger inside, turn on the AC, and give them a cup of cool water that reflects the fullness of who we declared our God to be. We can, through the gifts God has given us – the talent to listen; to pray; to show up; to wonder; to dream; and to see the Christ in everyone – to use these gifts as the fruit that feeds those around us. That doesn’t mean we’ll always get this right since our ego, our lack of imagination, and our assumptions about what the “good” life truly is often becomes the fruit that harms those who God loves. But when we trust that what’s ordinary to God is what makes us, through baptism and faith, as the extraordinary bearers of God’s love into the world, we move beyond seeing ourselves as landlords but as trees and gardeners for the world. God didn’t simply create the world; God also lives in it. And the acts that are ordinary to God – such as mercy, care, support, and love – is how we grow into our own identity as the very ordinary people that live out the kingdom of God.