Psalm 17:1 Hear a just cause, O Lord; attend to my tweet

The New York Times has a good article this morning dealing with religion on Twitter. The article focuses on the use of twitter among “evangelicals” and the megachurch set. The primary message from the article, I think, is that existing networks can leverage themselves through the use of social media to reach out to new audience. And there is a subversive element with social media as well, like a mild form of the Arab Spring. For women, Twitter can be useful in developing influence and networks outside the traditional male hierarchy of the church. And it seems that Twitter can also be an effective way for new churches (and, as an aside, is it becoming a thing for young women/couples forming house churches in the evangelical world?) to reach out to new audiences. Sure, in many ways, this can be primarily a tool to reach audiences that are already like yourselves (i.e. they have to use twitter, be able to afford the devices to use twitter, and care about social media) but twitter, and social media in general, can be effective at developing and maintaing relationship networks.

I love that twitter is sending out an executive to reach out to religious leaders (though, of course, us mainliners are left in the dust). I dig that they used analytics to see how often religious tweets are re-tweeted. I dislike, immensely, the implication that KJV verses are, on average, less than a tweet in length but, well, taking bible verses out of context is a thing that we’ve been doing for thousands of years and my campaign against that won’t stop it from happening. But I’m drawn to the theory that inspirational messages have a draw on the internets. Now, I know this is true and I’m sure you do too. In fact, if you’re a child of the internet who came of age in the late 90s, you have been in many grueling battles against the “inspirational” emails that your extended relatives sent to you and 3000 other people. Animated gifts, giant letters in pink and italics – we have seen it all. In fact, we have seen so much, we are no longer feel anything when we see them. We just quietly notice that they have spread to facebook and, with little fanfare, we hide those posts from our newsfeed. The war continues even though the battlefields have changed.

Now, as a proponent of social media, what am I to do with these inspirational messages? Do I join the bagwagon? Do I reshare every bible verse that the ELCA facebook page puts out? I’m not really sure yet. From my experience, bible verses, photos of people, and interactive type posts get the most responses. But there’s a danger lurking in this use of social media, I think. The danger is, of course, in promoting the gospel at the expense of the law. There’s a danger is being Joel Osteen rather than Melanchthon. There’s a danger in devolving Christ into 140 character soundbytes that make us feel good rather then letting the gospel exegete who we are and where we are. Even the proverb quoted in the article by Bishop Jakes “Your words will tell others what you think. Your actions will tell them what you believe” is problematic mostly because I don’t see the challenge in those words. I think it is meant to be a challenge to people but I don’t see it. Now, this could just be my fault – I might be too jaded, bitter, or too much of a hipster/gen-xer to truly believe that such 140 character tweets can challenge anyone. It’s a statement sent to a self-selecting group of people who push a button to receive those kinds of messages from Bishop Jakes. It is a statement to people who already, to some degree, buy into it. It, to me, lacks teeth. But should social media have teeth? Should tweets be mini-sermons where the truth about the world is told and the gospel spoken? Or should it be used in different ways? The executive in the article mentions that she tries to get preachers to be personal on twitter. If true, then there might be a different thing going on here. What people are looking for is a kind of connection to spiritual leaders that feels personal and more real; a single serving feeling of connection to the people who can be seen as representing God on earth. And if that’s true, then I think churches should embrace its use, not because it replaces pastoral care but because it furthers connections in a different kind of environment (and possibly a world that is more alienating than the past). And as much as we try to restrict religion to the private sphere, religion is social. Connections and community matter. And anything that can further that (hey, where two or three are gathered…), then we should do it.

Flash, pizzaz, bang, wow! You do watch “What Not To Wear,” don’t you?

This week was the first episode of the tenth season of What Not To Wear. For the uninitiated, the show brings in the fashion clueless, trashes their wardrobe, teaches them some new tricks, and gives them $5000 for a whole new look. Even though they stopped having guys as the fashion victims after the second season, I still adore the show. I use to work in the building right next to where they filmed the show and, I have to tell you, that Clinton Kelly is tall (and awesome). I find Stacey London and Clinton Kelly to be the bee’s knees and you should too.

Anyways, a few seasons ago, an Episcopal priest was brought onto the show. The show was great not only because it brought to light the dangerous fact that the majority of clergy are poor dressers but also because, I thought, it helped acknowledge that there are young clergy women in the world and that they need our support. In honor of the season premier (which I didn’t particularly care for), Emily the Priest was brought back to update us on her life (scroll down and click on her image – she’s wearing the collar). I felt that she was nervous on screen (who can blame her?) but I was glad to see her back. However, I was not the only one to notice that she was wearing a sequined top with her collar! The comments take her to task (and I noticed that one of my professors from LTSP – who has fantastic style – reads the same blogs I do) though I think they’re harsher than they should be. I know what Emily is trying to do, adding some sparkle to the all-black-uniform. Personally, I think she should have focused on the jacket (a well fitted jacket in a dark patterned gray is fantastic – the few clergywomen I know who have these always look great). Throw on a few quick accessories, a killer shoe, and BAM, she’d be well on her way. But even without all that, I still applaud her for taking the risk that she did.

And the reason why I applaud her is because, well, I have a problem with the all-black-uniform. My problem isn’t with the collar but how clergy assume that if they wear all black, they get away with what they’re wearing. But that’s not true! If the cut is wrong, the jacket boring, the shirt poorly fitted, and the material ghastly, that clergy person is going to look terrible. TERRIBLE. And we, for some reason, seem to give clergy a pass when they do that. As a New Yorker, I am firmly aware of the power of black. But I’m also aware that relying on black to make your clothing decisions is ridiculous because nothing looks worse than a poorly fitted all-black outfit. The all-black look can be a very boring and a very easy look that can seem, on first glance, effortless. But, let me worn you, that it is not. Cut, material, pattern, accessories, fit – that is where style lives and where a person’s identity can echo forth. To not notice those details is, sadly, to let sloppiness rule and that is an identity trait that only a few can truly pull off. Style isn’t a fad nor is it only built around expensive articles of clothing. Style is a personal dash of identity that bleeds into your clothing. It says who you are, what you’re about, and encourages other people to be in community with you. Style says everything when it comes to first impressions. Style says that you know who you are and that you have contextualized who you are in the world. And I find that powerful because if style can say that, then when I meet a clergy person for the first time, my guards drop because I feel that since they know who they are, they are willing to know who I am too. That isn’t necessarily always true but it is a start to opening doors, building relationships, and forming community. Style matters! And I hope, maybe just maybe, that while seminaries redevelop their curriculum for the current world, that they seriously think about hiring Stacey and Clinton for one-off workshops for their senior classes. It would do some good.

Thunderstorms 1; Seminarianzilla 0

Tonight, I met up with some people from the internet to try and experience the first day of Manhattanhenge. Alas, at the last minute, thunderstorms moved into the area so my vantage point at 23rd street was a wash. As we said our goodbyes, one gentleman stuck out his hand and said “Good luck with the God stuff.” Good luck, indeed.

On Saturday, I sat in on a meeting at the Synod office that was taking a look at Latino ministries in Manhattan. I was encouraged to attend since I’ve been told that english-speaking Latinos are starting to get noticed in the ELCA and they are becoming a targeted demographic. The meeting took all morning and I really learned a lot. I won’t go into details because I’m not sure what’s confidential and what’s not, but I do want to talk about two approaches towards ministry that were brought up and that I can’t get out of my mind.

During the conversation, the topic of mission came up. Actually, the whole meeting was about mission but there came a point where the details came into play. And the group was split into how they saw themselves. Since we’re part of a church that tries to promote the welcoming others, there was a big push by some of the ministries to see themselves as primarily responding to the people who enter their doors. And, in NYC, this isn’t actually a bad conclusion based on demographic data, etc. As Latinos spread out along the subway lines into the Bronx and Queens, working out the logistics of where to be, matters. Opening the doors of the church and seeing oneself as primarily a nurturing kind of church – where the church is opened to everyone who walks in the doors (and if you are in Manhattan, people do walk into your doors), seems a natural expression of some of our theology. As much as it seems like a passive form of ministry that only takes care of those within its walls, in an active environment like NYC where people go across rivers (and state lines) to visit churches, this isn’t actually a terrible idea. Churches can live this way. And there are churches that thrive in this environment. And if I look at my first two years of seminary education, this is exactly the kind of church environment that I am being trained to be apart of. CPE, Pastoral Education, basic biblical survey courses, and the like, all lead to me being embedded into a church environment that has open doors, takes cares of people who enter the congregation, provides active mission support to the wider church, runs food programs, marches in political rallies against societal injustices, and all that good stuff that the mainline churches seem to do. But the more I think about it, the more I think that training isn’t quite right.

The other side of the discussion at the meeting was focused quite a bit on what it means to reach out and be active in the areas where latinos live. There was vague words thrown around like “boots on the ground,” “going out there,” “meeting people,” and all that. And I realized, while sitting there, is that I don’t really know what that means. I mean, in my head, I can kinda imagine what that might look like but I don’t really know. There’s been nothing in my seminary education (so far) about that. We talked quite a bit about going out and preaching the gospel. And since we’re good Lutherans, we spend quite a bit of time focusing on what we say when we go out there and speak. That is a practical detail that matters. But how to speak? That doesn’t seem to come up as much. Like, if I was asked to go into the Lower East Side that is inaccessible to subways, to reach the heavy latino populations out there, with my boots on the ground, what the heck does that even mean? What would it look like? How would I do it? I don’t really know.

I’ve got some ideas, of course, but all these ideas are rather new. I’ve watched my home pastor work the neighborhood in away that I envy. He talks to people on the street, visits local businesses, and is a visible presence. He’ll wear his collar, is called father all the time, and still takes time to chat with the waiters at the local dinner or the young family walking their dog and inviting them to the Blessing of the Animals service. That’s one way to do it. But would that be enough? Hmm. I’m not sure. I’m sure there’s more that can be done that would do more than just get butts in the pews.

For the Latino ministries to grow in Manhattan, I think they’re going to have to actually go outside. Some will come in the doors but not enough. And I think Latino ministries can get bogged down and subsumed under wider cultural realities of the Metropolitan New York Synod if they are not careful. I’m curious to see how english-speaking Latinos are taken into account. I didn’t hear them mentioned much in the meeting. But, at our Synod Assembly, during the Project Connect presentation about raising up new leaders from within congregations – there were two english-speaking Latinos looking at a sea of white faces. We’re kinda already here and we’re being pulled into leadership positions already. But that’s not an excuse to wait for us to show up at the door steps. We’re out there and as a church, we should just be incarnational, and get on out there.

The Age of Unpossibilities

Over the last two days, I was at my old stomping grounds (LTSP) participating in an internship training session for next year. It was a short two day session where I sat with my internship supervisor, visited with my old friends, and we did a lot of eating, fellowship, and sitting. Lots and lots of sitting. And lots and lots of being talked at. A presenter came to lead several “team” building sessions that were…okay…but after spending last weekend sitting down and being talked at, experiencing more of it was rather unexciting. But I loved seeing my old friends. And I loved finally having an opportunity to work out some thoughts I’ve been having about my generation.

My brain has been swirling quite a bit about this whole emerging generation issue and I’m not sure, yet, how to approach it. I’m not sure how to even talk about this. I realize, taking my own pulse, that this topic makes me angry. I get defensive. I want to point the blame at others. And I get that and, in some ways, it’s hard to not feel this way when I sense that the church, as a whole, is blaming my generation for the destruction of the institution (though, come on, we didn’t LEAVE the church – we just never showed up). I also love how we’re continually being talked about rather than with, even though my generation is finally graduating from seminaries and moving into pulpits. We’re, by evolution, assuming positions of power and I think we’ve stopped asking to be allowed into these positions. We’re already there and we’re going to be involved whether anyone likes it or not.

The problem, though, is that I can’t seem to put into words, or a systematic system of thought, my thoughts about my own generation. I can write buzzwords, statements, and tell anecdotes but I’m unable to put them into a coherent and interconnected system of thought. I think they are all connected but I can’t really strip them into a barebones framework of equations. And this is frustrating for my engineering mind since my mind is is built around systems of equations that never have answers but always has an optimized solution to any problem. I’m trying to mentally construct a web of variables, break it down into its components, and watch as the web weaves itself together. And then, like a spider, I can walk over it, pull out specific frameworks, and approach the topic in a systematic way. But when it comes to my generation, I just can’t seem to do that. Maybe I’m too close to the system or I’m trying to generalize that what cannot be generalized. But I do think that the church is making a mistake if it refuses to engage our reality as a web and, instead, relies on external webs of culture, identity, privilege, class, doctrine, and self-definitions to engage with the current world. I think the assumptions that the church is working on does not meet our current world and I think those assumptions don’t work, not because the church is a dinosaur, but rather because the parts that make up the church have forgotten that these assumptions are products of our collective history.

Take, for example, one issue that is up for debate and that is the issue about the church as an institution. Now, my generation is described as not having any trust in any institution. I disagree with that assumption because it assumes that we were taught to trust institutions (we weren’t) and it also assumes that we don’t trust institutions (we actually do). I think anyone who grew up in the 90s would remember the countless youth groups that filled high schools. Growing up in part of the heartland of the bible belt in Colorado, I found lots of love for institutions. And that love continued into adulthood for many of them. But what changed, I think, is that my generation grew up without institutional support. It’s not that we don’t love institutions but rather that the institutions that supported the previous generations failed to pay it forward. Our parents, maybe, took on more of the role of the institutions, maybe as a response to a generate sense that institutional support was lacking or maybe because they feared the freedom inherent in some kinds of institutions. Either way, more and more, individuals are being required to take responsibility for their own future and their own opportunities to compete with the previous generations. So as institutional support falters, we’re also asked to be mobile individuals without a collective identity. An example of this could be seen in the explosion of student debt for all individuals and even seminarians. The cost to enter the ordained ministry of the church is higher now than in the past, a cost that is probably too high. So when previous generations view my generation as an “age of possibilities,” and seem jealous of us, I see people who are failing to be honest and authentic. They’re forgetting what privilege is and what it means. They’re forgetting to contextualize themselves, to see themselves as who they really are, and taking themselves seriously. And if they’re failing to do that, then there is a good chance – actually more than a good chance – that they won’t take me (or anyone of my generation) seriously as well. So, in the end, part of the issue here is a failure to see how our web, in many ways, and its interconnectiveness, is tied heavily to evangelism. If the web that we are caught in is unable to see itself, then it will be unable to see the other. And if is cannot see the other, the other cannot be drawn into community.

If I was being completely honest, I’d also have to bring up many other things about the institution of the church. The change of the church from a social center to a program house, the reality that the one-pastor/one-church model of ministry in the Lutheran church is a recent invention and not the historical norm, the explosion of the media as an institution, etc etc. The system is huge – and almost too big to comprehend. And I think that should scare us. I think, honestly, we as a church need to admit to being afraid. I think we should cut the crap when it comes to trying to use bandaids to push aside our anxiety and push it down the road. I think we should embrace our fear, admit it, and not mask it as “exciting” or “opportunity” or whatever. I think we should be fine with being honest about our terror. I’m going to do some bad exegesis but we’re told to fear God. So why run away from fear? Why act like it doesn’t exist? Why mask it? I think anyone in my generation who is not afraid is not being honest and is refusing to see the larger picture. If you’re going into ministry in the Lutheran church right now, or are apart of it, I think it would be hard to not be afraid. Hell, I’m afraid and I’m not doing that bad!

But being honest about fear does not mean that we need to be captive to it. If we’re trying to run away from fear, we make the mistake of being trapped within our own anxieties. But our own tradition teaches that in the midst of fear, ridiculous things happen. Like how a certain law student, caught in a lightning storm, feared for his life, prayed to a saint, and ended up in ministry. And what did that fear do? It set his wider world on fire. That fear led to fire! And as we celebrate Pentecost this Sunday, when the fire given to the apostles was a fire rooted in Christ, creation, community, and understanding, I find comfort in my terror at the moment. That doesn’t mean I like this feeling. It doesn’t mean I want to always be afraid. But this fear – it also doesn’t have to stop us. And I don’t think, if we’re honest about it, that it will.

The 2012 MNYS Assembly in Pictures

The Twitter, she was silent

If you go ahead and search for #mnys on Twitter, you’ll notice that I was the primary user of that hashtag. In fact, out of the half-dozen of us using the hashtag, I was 90% of it. So, for all the hype about social media, one of the major social media tools out there was not utilized at the assembly. Now, this shouldn’t surprise anyone because even email is problematic for some of the members at the Assembly. So, naturally, when it comes to the use of Social Media, the MNYS struggles.

Now, that’s not to say that I’m any good at it. Even though I have professional web development experience, and I use Social Media constantly, I’m really really not good at utilizing it for my work or my church. And I know this because I’m currently working on a project with a really good consultant who really understands not only Social Media but blogging, usability, design, layout, and the sharing of content. Eight years ago, this guy was who I wanted to be. But, over time, I never developed that skillset nor did I ever learn how to ask the right questions. I’m really at the beginning of my journey on how to utilize Social Media for the church and it is something I’m going to need to spend time on to figure out.

But I do know that for Social Media to be effective, it should be used and part of the cry from the recent Assembly was for help. There were countless calls for the Synod to provide frameworks, boilerplate, and materials for congregations to use. What the congregations were asking, I think, was for different kinds of leadership from the Synod. They were looking for a network of knowledge to be centered, and rooted, in the Synod Office. Now, this idea is already built into the Strategic Plan adopted by the Synod but there’s a need for this to happen sooner rather than later. I really did get a sense that there are congregations out there that seem willing to change and to utilize new tools to network with their neighbors and the wider world. I think that there’s more people, regardless of age, who were willing to lead towards change. And I found that very encouraging. But I think the Synod lost an opportunity to at least showcase a little about what might be possible in the way of broadcasting, interacting, and engaging not only the people sitting in the Assembly but also those sitting at home. I do understand that doing so requires times, energy, effort (and money), but I think it might have gone a long way in showing congregations what’s possible. Because I think the question right now for many of them is “what’s possible” and “what’s effective.” The amazing thing is that the videos showcasing the ELCA, the Malaria Campaign, the merging of two congregations, and the development of housing for seniors out in the Hamptons, already does this. We actually are very familiar at inspiring the people at the Assembly. We know how to get people to love attending the event, showing what people and congregations can achieved, and providing people at the assembly with an idea roadmap to bring home with them. I think that members of the MNYS are thirsty for such roadmaps and I think we need to get better at sharing them.

MNYS Assembly, Day 3

Well, after arriving home, unpacking, uploading pictures to flickr and facebook, I figured it is time that I sit and crank out some reflections on this third, and final, day of the 2012 Metropolitan New York Synod Assembly. I will probably also follow up with some reflections on the entire event so I’ll try to keep this a tad focused.

Today was primarily a day of presentations. After spending a late night at a reception thrown together by the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (which was great), I stumbled into assembly hall a little hung over, red-eyed, and ready to seize the day. A friend of mine spoke elegantly about our work with the Lutheran church in Tanzania, and I watched a video about our work in Romania, trying to spot my friends the Churchs, but, alas, they never appeared (which seemed odd). My intern supervisor presented a check to the Synod (and ELCA) that covered the fundraising gathered by my field education church for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. The initial morning events were mellow and low key but I knew it was just the calm before the storm. I’m starting to realize that, being two years into candidacy process, and having attended my third Synod Assembly, I’m starting to notice things that I didn’t notice before. The politics, the use of language, the factions – all are starting to become more clear to me. I loved this assembly because it was the first time I knew people there. But, at the same time, by knowing the people, I began to uncover the currents, rocks, streams, branches, and tree trunks that inhabit our Synod. And I’m starting to realize that I actually am a part of that whole mess too.

I’ll admit that I think I have been stewing over the last few days and today was when quite a bit started coming out. The financial presentation felt slightly dishonest to me. Not dishonest in the sense that it was lying or anything but, rather, it didn’t feel transparent to me. Promoting the savings made in the Bishop’s Office, while commendable, is only part of the entire picture. The large staff, the lack of giving, and the self-funding of the Synod through the sale of churches – that, to me, is the current story. And maybe it wasn’t mentioned in detail because it is just assumed that everyone knows what is going on. The Synod has funded itself in this fashion for years but there seemed to be a lack of ownership of that reality. Although many of the delegates at the assembly are long timers, there were plenty of new people as well. For many of them, that reality is not known. That reality should be highlighted at every Assembly because this isn’t just a conference for the same old people. Yesterday, we adopted a strategic plan to raise up new leaders and to focus on leadership. But here’s the thing – if we’re unwilling to treat new leaders with the respect to be transparent with them, how are we going to fulfill that goal? And, unlike earlier generations, I do not think the current crop of millenials give a crap about being “allowed” into leadership. We’re already here and we’re going to be leaders. The problem isn’t with “us.”

The environmental stewardship committee presented next and…ugh. Honestly, it felt theologically unsound which bothered me because I really like what they do. I really really do. I’m behind them 100% and I believe that stewardship of the environment is part of our calling as caretakers of God’s creation. But I took their use of scripture to be law heavy rather than grace heavy. I think the call to repentance is a good one but I disagreed with how they presented it. I do hope that congregations take their advice and call Con Ed above an energy audit, however. Saving money and helping the earth is always a good idea.

It took awhile but we finally took on the change to the process of the election to the Bishop. I honestly think this was one of the most poorly proposed documents of the assembly. It was presented with the assumption that everyone knew how the election of a bishop in the MNYS works. But we don’t. I mean, the clergy do, but us non-2008 assembly attenders – we have no idea. In fact, I sometimes wondered if even the clergy knew what was going on. As the discussion continued (and I did stand up again to speak on an amendment that, sadly, was voted on before I could say anything), I started coming to the realization that this was devolving into a vote of confidence on the current bishop. Factions who want him to run again and those who don’t were pitting themselves against each other. Every comment about the process being “complex and lengthy” (except in the case of an interim bishop), was really a statement about trying to leave the sitting bishop in place. Some great points of clarification were asked (and I think they weren’t really answered) and there seemed to be more willingness to talk about “the spirit” of the proposed change while ignoring what the letter said. We were given roughly twenty minutes to talk about it but stretched it to over an hour (the fact that folks thought we wouldn’t want to debate on these issues was really, really, silly). The new process, slightly amended, passed roughly 75%-25% (or maybe 70/30). I can’t, sadly, tell the exact count because, once again, we were using the red cards/green cards, rather than the voting machines that could actually SHOW US numbers. The use of the voting machines was a complete waste of time and really, really, poorly implemented and should be rethought for next year.

Anyways, the new process is designed to try and provide a forum for voting members at the 2014 assembly to have a chance to get to know candidates prior to the assembly. It was designed, primarily, in response to the 2008 Synod assembly and the election process that didn’t seem entirely fair. However, the new system creates a committee that seems to have quite a bit of power and, at least in appearances, seems to have had the current bishop’s hand in it (whether that is true – or not – is rather irrelevant because appearances matter quite a bit at these kinds of events). How transparent this process will be, I’m unsure. How well this process will work, I don’t know either. But we’ll see how it works. And we’ll also see how the bishop election in 2014 goes – and it’s obvious the campaign has already been going on for at least a year now.

After a quick lunch, a wonderful Eucharist service was held and we moved on to the 2013 budget. By this point of the assembly, only 40% of the total voting members were in the room. Some questions were asked about the destruction of the Global/Multicultural ministries budget and there were also instances where access to a line-by-line item budget was extremely limited. I felt like those of us on the floor did not have access to all the information we should have and I think the destruction of the Global/Multicultural ministries budget is really upsetting to racial/ethnic minorities in this Synod. Some took a look at that budget line (a reduction of $250,000 from 2011 numbers) and see it as a personal attack on them, their identity, and what they represent and I think I agree with them. Again, whether it is or not, it at least appears to not be clear. As pastors, future pastors, AIMs, deacons, and lay leaders, we’re doing a really shitty job being pastoral to ourselves and our church leaders when it comes to the budget it seems.

Anyways, I’ll reflect on everything later. I loved being there but I’m also seeing myself getting invested in the whole thing. And that’s great but also problematic because I still have two years left in my process. I don’t know where I’m going to end up eventually – and I probably should just tick off everyone and be an equal-opportunity offender /just kidding.