A Page of Scripture

A short record of what pieces point to what scripture.

Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”)

Genesis 1:1-5 [bulletin commentary 1.11.2015], [bulletin commentary 1.7.2018]
Genesis 1:1-2:4 [bulletin commentary 6.11.2017]
Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 [bulletin commentary 3.05.2017]
Genesis 2:18-24 [bulletin commentary 10.07.2018], [children’s sermon 10.07.2018]
Genesis 3:8-15 [bulletin commentary 6.10.2018], [children’s sermon on 6.9.2024]
Genesis 12:1-4 [bulletin commentary 3.12.2017]
Genesis 15:1-12,17-18 [sermon on 3.16.2025]
Genesis 17:1-7,15-17 [bulletin commentary 3.01.2015], [sermon on 2.25.2024]

Exodus 1:8-2:10 [sermon on 8.27.2023]
Exodus 3:1-15 [sermon on 9.3.2023]
Exodus 12:1-14 [bulletin commentary 4.13.2017], [sermon on 9.10.2023]
Exodus 16:2-4,9-15 [children’s sermon 8.5.2018]
Exodus 17:1-7 [bulletin commentary 3.19.2017]
Exodus 20:1-17 [bulletin commentary 3.08.2015], [children’s message 3.3.2024]
Exodus 24:12-18 [bulletin commentary 2.26.2017]

Leviticus 19:1-18 [bulletin commentary 2.07.2016]

Numbers 1:1-16,44-46 [bulletin commentary on 2.14.2016]
Numbers 1:1-16,44-46 [sermon on 2.14.2016]
Numbers 20:1-13 [bulletin commentary on 2.28.2016]
Numbers 21:4-9 [bulletin commentary 3.15.2015]

Deuteronomy 5:12-15 [sermon on 6.3.2018], [sermon on 6.2.2024]
Deuteronomy 8 [sermon on 11.18.2018 – interfaith Thanksgiving]
Deuteronomy 18:15-20 [bulletin commentary on 2.1.2015]

1 Samuel
1 Samuel 3:1-10 [sermon 1.14.2018]
1 Samuel 3:1-20 [bulletin commentary 1.18.2015]
1 Samuel 16:1-13 [bulletin commentary 3.26.2017]

2 Samuel
2 Samuel 7:1-11,16 [bulletin commentary 12.21.2014]
2 Samuel 11:1-15 [sermon on 7.25.2021]

1 Kings 17:1-16
[bulletin commentary 4.24.2016], [bulletin commentary 4.24.2016]

2 Kings 2:1-12 [bulletin commentary on 2.11.2018]
2 Kings 25:1-6,8-12 [bulletin commentary 5.01.2016]

1 Chronicles 16:23-34 [bulletin commentary 5.08.2016]

2 Chronicles 6:12,14-21 [bulletin commentary 5.15.2016]

Ezra 1:1-10 [bulletin commentary 5.22.2016]

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 [bulletin commentary 5.29.2016], [sermon on 1.23.2022]

Job 1:1, 2:1-10 [bulletin commentary 6.05.2016]
Job 38:1-7,12-13; 40:1-5 [bulletin commentary 6.12.2016]

[children’s message – psalms in general – 6.19.2022]
Psalm 10:1-4,9-18 [bulletin commentary 6.19.2016]
Psalm 16 [bulletin commentary 4.23.2017] [sermon on 6.26.2022]
Psalm 22 [sermon on 6.19.2022]
Psalm 25 [sermon on 12.1.2024]
Psalm 51 [bulletin commentary 2.14.2018]
Psalm 63 [bulletin commentary 6.26.2016]
Psalm 66 [sermon on 7.3.2022]
Psalm 98 [bulletin commentary 7.03.2016]
Psalm 121 [bulletin commentary 7.10.2016]
Psalm 150 [sermon on 10.13.2018 – memorial service]

Proverbs 1:1-7 [bulletin commentary 7.17.2016]

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 [sermon on 7.24.2016]
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 [bulletin commentary 7.24.2016]

Song of Songs [bulletin commentary 7.31.2016]
Song of Songs 2:10-13 [short wedding homily on 8.7.2016]

Isaiah 5:1-7 [bulletin commentary on 10.05.2014], [bulletin commentary on 10.08.2017]
Isaiah 6:1-8 [sermon on 5.27.2018], [sermon on 5.26.2024], [sermon on 2.09.2025]
Isaiah 25:1-9 [bulletin commentary 10.15.2017]
Isaiah 25:6-9 [bulletin commentary 11.4.2018]
Isaiah 40:1-11 [bulletin commentary 12.07.2014], [bulletin commentary 12.10.2017], [sermon on 12.10.2023]
Isaiah 40:21-31 [bulletin commentary 2.4.2018]
Isaiah 42:1-9 [bulletin commentary 8.07.2016]
Isaiah 50:4-9a [bulletin commentary 9.13.2015]
Isaiah 53:4-12 [bulletin commentary 10.21.2018]
Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11 [bulletin commentary 12.14.2014], [bulletin commentary 12.17.2017]
Isaiah 64:1-9 [bulletin commentary 12.3.2017], [sermon on 12.3.2023]

Jeremiah 1:4-10 [bulletin commentary 8.14.2016]
Jeremiah 11:18-20 [bulletin commentary 9.20.2015]
Jeremiah 17:5-10 [sermon on 2.16.2025]
Jeremiah 31:31-34 [bulletin commentary 3.22.2015]

Jeremiah 32:1-2,6-15 [bulletin commentary 8.21.2016]

Lamentations 1:1-5 [bulletin commentary 8.28.2016]

Ezekiel 1:1, 4-9,13-15,18-21,22,26-28 [bulletin commentary 9.04.2016]
Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 [bulletin commentary 11.23.2014]
Ezekiel 34:11-16 [bulletin commentary 9.11.2016]
Ezekiel 37:1-14 [bulletin commentary 4.02.2017]

Amos 5:6-7,10-15 [bulletin commentary 10.14.2018]

Daniel 1:1-17 [bulletin commentary 9.18.2016]
Daniel 12:1-3 [bulletin commentary 11.18.2018]

Jonah 3:1-5,10 [bulletin commentary 1.25.2015]
Jonah 3:10-4:11 [sermon on 09.24.2017]

Micah 6:6-8 [sermon manuscript at interfaith rally 8.21.2017]

Zephaniah 1:7,12-18 [bulletin commentary 11.16.2014], [bulletin commentary 11.19.2017]

Malachi 3:1-4 [bulletin commentary 12.6.2015], [bulletin commentary 12.9.2018]

Christian Scriptures (“New Testament”)

Matthew 1:18-25 [bulletin commentary on 12.18.2016]
Matthew 1:18-25 [sermon on 12.18.2106]
Matthew 2:1-12 [sermon on 1.7.2024], [sermon on 1.5.2025]
Matthew 3:1-12 [sermon on 12.04.2016]
Matthew 3:1-12 [bulletin commentary 12.04.2016]
Matthew 3:13-17 [bulletin commentary 1.08.2017] [sermon on 1.08.2017]
Matthew 4:1-11 [sermon on 3.05.2017]
Matthew 4:12-23 [bulletin commentary 1.22.2017]
Matthew 5:1-12 [bulletin commentary 1.29.2017] [homily at a memorial 9.10.2016] [sermon All Saints’ Sunday 11.05.2017]
Matthew 5:13-20 [bulletin commentary 2.05.2017]
Matthew 5:21-37 [bulletin commentary 2.12.2017]
Matthew 5:38-48 [bulletin commentary 2.19.2017]
Matthew 6:1-6,16-21 [sermon on 2.10.2016], [sermon at noon on 2.14.2018], [sermon evening on 2.14.2018], [sermon on 2.14.2024]
Matthew 9:35-10:23 [bulletin commentary on 6.18.2017]
Matthew 10:24-39 [bulletin commentary on 6.25.2017]
Matthew 10:40-42 [bulletin commentary on 7.02.2017]
Matthew 11:2-11 [sermon on 12.11.2016]
Matthew 11:2-11 [bulletin commentary 12.11.2016]
Matthew 11:16-19,25-30 [bulletin commentary 7.9.2017]
Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 [bulletin commentary 7.16.2017]
Matthew 13:31-33,44-52 [bulletin commentary 7.30.2017]
Matthew 14:13-21 [bulletin commentary 8.06.2017]
Matthew 14:22-33 [bulletin commentary 8.13.2017]
Matthew 15:21-28 [bulletin commentary 8.20.2017]
Matthew 16:13-20 [bulletin commentary 8.27.2017]
Matthew 16:21-28 [children’s sermon on 8.23.2023]
Matthew 17:1-9 [sermon on 2.26.2017]
Matthew 18:15-21 [bulletin commentary 9.10.2017]
Matthew 18:21-35 [bulletin commentary 9.17.2017] [children’s sermon on 9.17.2023] [sermon on 9.17.2023]
Matthew 20:1-16 [bulletin commentary 9.24.2017] [children’s sermon 9.24.2017] [sermon on 9.24.2023]
Matthew 21:1-11 [sermon on 4.9.2017] [bulletin commentary 4.9.2017]
Matthew 21:23-32 [sermon on 10.01.2023]
Matthew 21:33-46
[bulletin commentary on 10.05.2014], [sermon on 10.05.2014], [children’s sermon on 10.08.2017], [sermon on 10.08.2017], [sermon on 10.08.2023]
Matthew 22:1-14
[sermon on 10.12.2014], [bulletin commentary 10.12.2014], [sermon 10.15.2017], [children’s sermon 10.15.2017], [sermon 10.15.2023], [children’s sermon 10.15.2023]
Matthew 22:15-22 [sermon on 10.19.2015,
[bulletin commentary 10.19.2015], [sermon 10.22.2017], [sermon on 10.22.2023]
Matthew 24:36-44 [sermon on 11.27.2016] [bulletin commentary 11.27.2016]
Matthew 25:1-13 [sermon 11.09.2014], [sermon 11.12.2017], [sermon on 11.12.2023]
Matthew 25:14-30
[sermon 11.16.2014], [sermon 11.19.2017], [children’s sermon on 11.19.2023], [sermon on 11.19.2023]
Matthew 25:31-46
[sermon on 11.23.2014], [sermon on 11.26.2017], [sermon on 11.26.2023]
Matthew 28:1-10 [bulletin commentary 4.16.2017] [sermon on 4.16.2017]
Matthew 28:16-20 [sermon 6.11.2017]

Mark 1:1-8 [sermon on 12.07.2014], [sermon on 12.10.2017], [children’s sermon on 12.10.2017]
Mark 1:4-11 [sermon on 1.11.2015], [sermon on 1.07.2018], [sermon on 1.14.2024]
Mark 1:9-15 [sermon on 2.18.2018], [sermon on 2.18.2024]
Mark 1:14-20 [sermon on 1.25.2015], [sermon on 1.21.2018], [children’s sermon 1.21.2018], [sermon on 1.21.2024]
Mark 1:21-28 [sermon on 2.1.2015], [sermon on 1.28.2024]
Mark 1:29-39 [sermon 2.4.2018], [sermon on 2.4.2024]
Mark 2:23-3:6 [bulletin commentary 6.3.2018]
Mark 3:20-35 [sermon on 6.10.2018], [sermon on 6.9.2024]
Mark 4:26-34 [sermon on 6.17.2018 – focused on Mark 4:30-32], [children’s sermon on 6.17.2018 – focused on Mark 4:26-29], [sermon on 6.16.2024]
Mark 4:35-41 [sermon on 6.24.2018], [sermon on 6.23.2024]
Mark 5:21-43 [sermon on 6.30.2024]
Mark 6:1-13 [sermon on 7.07.2024]
Mark 6:14-29 [bulletin commentary 7.15.2018], [sermon on 7.14.2024]
Mark 6:30-34,53-56 [bulletin commentary 7.22.2018], [sermon on 7.21.2024]
Mark 7:1-23 [sermon on 9.2.2018]
Mark 7:24-37 [sermon on 9.16.2018], [children’s sermon on 9.9.2018]
Mark 8:22-25 [mid-week Lent sermon on 2.24.2016]
Mark 8:27-38 [sermon on 9.13.2015], [sermon on 9.16.2018]
Mark 8:31-38 [children’s sermon on 2.25.2018], [sermon on 2.25.2018], [sermon on 2.28.2021]
Mark 9:2-9/10 [bulletin commentary on 2.11.2018 – includes Elijah] [sermon on 2.11.2024]
Mark 9:30-37 [sermon on 9.20.2015], [children’s sermon on 9.23.2018], [sermon on 9.23.2018]
Mark 9:38-50 [sermon on 9.30.2018], [children’s sermon on 9.30.2018], [sermon on 9.29.2024]
Mark 10:1-16 [sermon on 10.07.2018], [sermon on 10.6.2024]
Mark 10:17-31 [sermon on 10.14.2018], [sermon on 10.13.2024]
Mark 10:32-45 [sermon on 10.21.2018], [sermon on 10.20.2024]
Mark 10:46-52 [children’s sermon 10.28.2018], [sermon on 10.28.2018], [sermon 10.27.2024]
Mark 11:1-11 [sermon on 3.25.2018], [bulletin commentary 3.25.2018], [sermon on 3.24.2024]
Mark 12:28-34 [sermon on 11.3.2024]
Mark 12:38-44 [children’s sermon 11.11.2018], [sermon on 11.11.2018], [sermon on 11.10.2024]
Mark 13:1-13 [children’s sermon on 11.18.2018], [sermon on 11.18.2018], [sermon on 11.17.2024]
Mark 13:24-37 [sermon on 12.3.2017]
Mark 14:1-15:47 [sermon on 3.30.2018]
Mark 16:1-8 [sermon on 4.05.2015],
[bulletin commentary 4.05.2015], [sermon on 4.01.2018], [bulletin commentary 4.1.2018], [children’s sermon 4.1.2018], [sermon on 3.31.2024]

Luke 1:26-38 [sermon on 12.21.2014], [sermon on 12.24.2017], [children’s sermon 12.24.2017], [sermon on 12.24.2023]
Luke 1:39-55 [sermon on 12.22.2024]
Luke 1:43-47 [sermon on 1.18.2015]
Luke 1:45-66 [bulletin commentary 12.24.2017]
Luke 2:1-20 [bulletin commentary 12.24.2016], [sermon on 12.24.2016], [bulletin commentary 12.25.2016], [sermon on 12.25.2016], [bulletin commentary 12.24.2017], [sermon on 12.24.2017], [sermon on 12.24.2023], [sermon on 12.24.2024]
Luke 2:15-21 [sermon on 01.01.2017]
Luke 2:15-21 [bulletin commentary 1.01.2017]
Luke 2:41-52 [sermon on 12.29.2024]
Luke 3:1-6 [sermon on 12.6.2015], [children’s sermon 12.9.2018], [sermon on 12.9.2018], [sermon on 12.8.2024]
Luke 3:7-18 [sermon on 12.12.2021], [sermon on 12.15.2024]
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 [sermon on 1.12.2025]
Luke 4:1-13 [sermon on 2.14.2016], [bulletin commentary on 2.14.2016], [sermon on 3.9.2025], [children’s message on 3.9.2025]
Luke 4:14-21 [sermon on 1.27.2019], [sermon on 1.26.2025]
Luke 4:14-30 [sermon on 2.3.2019]
Luke 4:21-30 [sermon on 1.31.2022], [sermon on 2.2.2024]
Luke 5:1-11 [sermon on 2.09.2025]
Luke 6:17-31 [sermon on 11.06.2016]
Luke 6:17-31 [bulletin commentary 11.06.2016]
Luke 6:27-38 [sermon on 2.23.2025]
Luke 7:1-10 [sermon on 5.29.2016]
Luke 7:11-15 [mid-week Lent sermon on 2.17.2016]
Luke 7:11-17 [sermon on 6.05.2016]
Luke 7:36-8:3 [sermon on 6.12.2016]
Luke 8:26-39 [sermon on 6.19.2016]
Luke 9:28-36 [sermon on 2.7.2016], [sermon on 3.2.2025]
Luke 9:51-62 [sermon on 6.19.2016]
Luke 10:1-11,16-20
[sermon on 7.03.2016], [sermon on 7.3.2022] [children’s message on 7.3.2022]
Luke 10:25-37
[sermon on 7.10.2016] [sermon on 7.10.2022] [children’s message on 7.10.2022]
Luke 10:38-42
[sermon on 7.17.2016] [sermon on 7.17.2022]
Luke 11:1-13 [sermon on 7.24.2016]
Luke 12:13-21 [sermon on 7.31.2016]
Luke 12:32-40 [sermon on 8.07.2016]
Luke 12:49-56 [sermon on 8.14.2016]
Luke 13:1-9 [sermon on 2.28.2016], [sermon on 3.24.2019], [sermon on 3.20.2022]
Luke 13:10-17 [sermon on 8.21.2016]
Luke 13:31-35 [sermon on 3.13.2022]
Luke 14:1,7-14 [sermon on 8.28.2016]
Luke 15:1-10 [sermon on 9.11.2016]
Luke 16:1-13 [sermon on 9.18.2016]
Luke 16:19-31 [sermon on 9.25.2016]
Luke 16:19-31 [bulletin commentary 9.25.2016]
Luke 17:5-10 [bulletin commentary 10.02.2016]
Luke 17:11-19 [sermon on 10.09.2016]
Luke 17:11-19 [bulletin commentary 10.09.2016]
Luke 18:1-8 [sermon on 10.16.2016]
Luke 18:1-8 [bulletin commentary 10.16.2016]
Luke 18:9-14 [sermon on 10.23.2016]
Luke 18:9-14 [bulletin commentary 10.23.2016]
Luke 21:5-19 [sermon on 11.13.2016]
Luke 21:25-36 [bulletin commentary 12.2.2018], [sermon on 11.28.2021], [sermon on 12.1.2024]
Luke 23:33-43 [sermon on 11.20.2016]
Luke 23:39-43 [Ask Pastor Marc Commentary on 3.01.2015]
Luke 24:13-35 [sermon on 4.30.2017]
Luke 24:36-48 [sermon on 4.19.2015], [sermon on 4.14.2024]

John 1:6-8,19-28
[sermon on 12.14.2014], [sermon on 12.17.2023]
John 1:29-42 [bulletin commentary on 1.15.2017]
John 1:43-51 [bulletin commentary 1.14.2018], [children’s sermon 1.14.2018]
John 2:1-11 [sermon on 1.19.2025]
John 2:13-22 [sermon on 3.05.2018], [sermon on 3.04.2024]
John 3:1-17 [sermon on 3.12.2017], [children’s sermon on 3.11.2018], [bulletin commentary 5.27.2018]
John 3:14-21 [sermon on 3.11.2018], [sermon on 3.10.2024]
John 4:5-42 [sermon on 3.19.2017]
John 6:1-21 [bulletin commentary 7.29.2018], [sermon on 7.28.2024]
John 6:24-35 [bulletin commentary 8.5.2018], [sermon on 8.4.2024]
John 6:41-51 [bulletin commentary 8.12.2018]
John 6:51-58 [bulletin commentary 8.19.2018], [sermon on 8.18.2024]
John 6:56-71 [bulletin commentary 8.26.2018]
John 8:31-36 [sermon on 10.26.2014], [sermon on 10.30.2016],
[bulletin commentary on 10.30.2016], [sermon on 10.29.2017]
John 9:1-41 [sermon on 3.26.2017]
John 10:1-11 [bulletin commentary on 05.07.2017]
John 10:11-18 [bulletin commentary on 4.22.2018], [sermon on 4.21.2024]
John 11:1-45 [sermon on 4.02.2017]
John 11:32-44 [sermon on 11.4.2018]
John 12:1-8 [sermon on 4.3.2022] [children’s message on 4.3.2022]
John 12:20-33 [sermon on 3.22.2015], [children’s message on 3.18.2018], [sermon on 3.18.2018], [sermon on 3.17.2024]
John 12:20-50 [sermon on 5.21.2017 on John 14:15-21 but also describes this passage]
John 13:1-17,31-35 [sermon on 4.02.2015], [children’s message on 4.24.2016], [sermon on 4.13.2017] [sermon on 3.29.2018], [bulletin commentary on 3.29.2018] [children’s message on 5.15.2022], [sermon on 3.28.2024]
John 14:1-6 [funeral sermon on 6.18.2016], [funeral sermon on 6.17.2017]
John 14:8-17,25-27 [sermon on 5.15.2016]
John 14:1-14 [sermon on 5.14.2017]
John 14:15-21 [sermon on 5.21.2017]
John 15:9-17 [bulletin commentary on 5.6.2018], [children’s sermon on 5.6.2018], [sermon on 5.5.2024]
John 15:26-27,16:4b-15 [bulletin commentary on 5.20.2018]
John 16:12-15 [sermon 5.22.2016], [sermon on 6.12.2022]
John 17:1-11 [bulletin commentary 5.28.2017]
John 17:6-19 [bulletin commentary 5.13.2018]
John 18:1-19:42 [bulletin commentary 4.03.2015], [sermon on 3.30.2018]
John 18:33-38a [sermon on 11.25.2018]
John 20:19-31 [sermon on 4.23.2017], [sermon on 4.7.2024]
John 20:22-23 [Ask Pastor Marc on 4.30.2017]
John 21:1-12a [Funeral Homily on 11.30.2017]

Acts 1:6-14 [sermon on 5.28.2017]
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 [sermon on 5.12.2024]
Acts 2:1-21
[Ask Pastor Marc on 4.30.2017] [sermon on 6.04.2017] [bulletin commentary 6.04.2017], [sermon on 5.20.2018] [children’s message on 6.5.2022][sermon on 6.5.2022], [sermon on 5.20.2024]
Acts 2:14,22-36 [bulletin commentary 4.23.2017]
Acts 2:14,36-41 [bulletin commentary 4.30.2017]
Acts 2:42-47 [sermon on 5.07.2017]
Acts 3:12-19 [bulletin commentary 4.19.2015]
Acts 4:32-35 [bulletin commentary 4.12.2015]
Acts 7:55-60 [bulletin commentary 5.14.2017]
Acts 8:26-40 [sermon on 4.28.2023]
Acts 11:1-18 [sermon on 5.15.2022]
Acts 16:9-15 [children’s message on 5.22.2022] [sermon on 5.22.2022]
Acts 17:22-31 [bulletin commentary on 5.21.2017]

Romans 5:1-8 [sermon on 6.18.2017]
Romans 6:1-11 [sermon on 6.25.2017]
Romans 6:12-23 [sermon on 7.02.2017]
Romans 7:15-25a [sermon on 7.09.2017]
Romans 8:1-11 [sermon on 7.16.2017]
Romans 8:12-25 [bulletin commentary on 7.23.2017]
Romans 8:26-39 [sermon on 7.30.2017]
Romans 9:1-5 [sermon on 8.06.2017]
Romans 10:5-15 [sermon on 8.13.2017]
Romans 11:1-2,29-32 [sermon on 8.20.2017]
Romans 12:1-8 [sermon on 8.27.2017]
Romans 12:9-21 [bulletin commentary on 9.03.2017]
Romans 13:8-14 [sermon on 9.10.2017]
Romans 14:1-12 [sermon on 9.17.2017]

1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians 1:1-9 [sermon on 1.15.2017]
1 Corinthians 1:10-18 [sermon on 1.22.2017]
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 [sermon on 1.29.2017]
1 Corinthians 2:1-16 [sermon on 2.05.2017]
1 Corinthians 3:1-9 [sermon on 2.12.2017]
1 Corinthians 3:10-11,16-23 [sermon on 2.19.2017]
1 Corinthians 7:29-31 [bulletin commentary 1.21.2018]
1 Corinthians 8:1-13 [bulletin commentary 1.28.2018]
1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-57 [bulletin commentary 2.24.2019]

2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians 4:5-12 [children’s sermon on 6.3.2018]
2 Corinthians 5:6-17 [bulletin commentary 6.17.2018]
2 Corinthians 5:18-6:13 [bulletin commentary 6.24.2018]
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10 [sermon on 3.01.2017]
2 Corinthians 8:7-15 [bulletin commentary 07.01.2018]
2 Corinthians 12:2-10 [bulletin commentary 07.08.2018]

Galatians 5:1, 13-25
[children’s message 06.26.2022]

Ephesians 1:3-14 [sermon on 7.15.2018]
Ephesians 2:11-22 [sermon on 7.22.2018]
Ephesians 3:14-21 [sermon on 7.29.2018]
Ephesians 4:1-16 [sermon on 8.5.2018]
Ephesians 4:25-5:2 [sermon on 8.12.2018]
Ephesians 5:15-33 [sermon on 8.19.2018]
Ephesians 6:10-20 [sermon on 8.25.2024]

Colossians 3:12-14 [sermon on 10.14.2018 – for a wedding]

Philippians 2:1-13 [bulletin commentary 10.01.2017]
Philippians 3:17-4:1 [sermon on 3.17.2019]

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 [sermon on 12.2.2018]
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 [bulletin commentary 11.09.2014], [bulletin commentary 11.12.2017]

Hebrews 10:16-25 [bulletin commentary 4.14.2017]

James 1:17-27 [bulletin commentary 9.2.2018], [sermon on 9.1.2024]
James 2:1-10,14-17 [bulletin commentary 9.9.2018], [sermon on 9.8.2024]
James 3:1-12 [bulletin commentary 9.16.2018], [children’s sermon on 9.16.2018], [sermon on 9.15.2024]
James 3:13-4:8 [bulletin commentary 9.23.2018], [sermon on 9.22.2024]
James 5:13-20 [bulletin commentary 9.30.2018]

1 John
1 John 1:1-2:2 [sermon on 4.08.2018]
1 John 3:1-7 [bulletin commentary 4.15.2018]
1 John 3:16-24 [sermon on 4.22.2018]
[children’s sermon 2.1.2015]
1 John 5:1-6 [sermon on 5.6.2018]
1 John 5:9-13 [sermon on 5.13.2018]

Revelation 1:4b-8 [bulletin commentary 11.25.2018], [sermon on 11.24.2024]
Revelation 7:9-17 [sermon on 11.5.2023], [bulletin commentary 11.05.2017], [sermon on 11.5.2023]
Revelation 21:1-6 [sermon on 4.24.2016]
Revelation 21:10,22–22:5 [sermon on 5.1.2016]
Revelation 22:12-14,16-21 [sermon on 5.08.2016], [sermon on 5.29.2022]