So, I’m going to try an experiment. Two years ago, I live-tweeted the Synod Assembly (to the annoyance of my followers). This year, I’m going to do the same while also, possibly, live blogging the event. We’ll see how that goes since a) I’ll be leeching off of available wireless, b) the last years I was there, there was a “no laptop/tablet/phone” policy, and c) I’ll be “blogging” on a 3rd Generation Kindle that does not have 3G access. So, as you can see, a million things will go wrong and, well, since I am a poor student, my mobile activities are rather limited. But I’m gonna try to bring you the very best in Metro New York Assembly coverage! And you better believe that the commentary will, like Martin Luther always like to say, be bold. How bold you say? Well! After last time, I met several new people who, months later, met me and went “wait a minute – did you tweet about me?” That’s how memorable this occasion will be. And, yes, I am pretty full of myself today too.
However, since technology is always finicky, there’s a chance none of this will work and I’ll be silent on this site for 3 days. But keep an eye on my twitter feed (@stynxno) and look for the hashtag #mnys. I’m gonna make this happen people.